News + Blog

What's Been Happening at Camp? All the Latest News!

During the summer, you can stay informed of your camper’s experience by reading the latest issue of the one and only Cowpasture Chronicle! See below for the latest posts. These articles and camp highlights are written by our senior counselors and are updated frequently.

Saying Goodbye, CMS Concludes 98th Summer

Posted on August 7, 2024

The final days of CMS’s 98th season got off to a confusing start, as team opposite day rang in on Wednesday. It began bright and early with the JCs storming into flag raising wearing team colors, but not the ones that they typically wear; on this day, they rock their opposite team’s color, creating a scene that, in all honesty, looks plain wrong! It gets even more confusing when they line up the opposite team for flag raising, but everything culminates with

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The Beginning of the End of a Wonderful Six Weeks

Posted on August 6, 2024

Campers woke Sunday morning with no idea of what fun the day would bring. After a regular Sunday morning schedule of breakfast, assembly in the Feedbag, and cleaning, the campers headed down for the final church of the six weeks, lead by the JCs. As per usual, Church was filled with laughs and tears as the JCs reflected on their past years and expressed excitement for their future ones at CMS. After a morning of reflection in the dappled sunlight of Mimi’s Retreat, the surprise

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A Very Merry End to Week Five

Posted on July 30, 2024

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… on the 23rd we began the Christmas season by drawing names for the camp-wide Will of the Wisp gift giving tradition at lunch. Christmas in July is one of the best traditions at camp. Everyone receives a Will of the Wisp, or W.O.T.W. for short, and anonymously gives gifts until the identity is revealed Christmas night. Everyone excitedly drew names and began planning and giving that very night. 

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Singing & Dancing into Week Five

Posted on July 24, 2024

As the bell rang on Friday, every girl woke in anticipation of the night to come. The day of classes flew by as each cabin perfected their moves for the highly anticipated evening activity—Lipsync. Though each cabin’s goal is to win and gain a spot in the Lipsync hall of fame, camp remained in good spirits throughout the day. Walking around, one could’ve found multiple cabins working harmoniously, but vigorously, to create that lip sync magic. As the evening finally arrived, each

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Hosting Camp Alkulana Jumpstarts 2nd Three Weeks!

Posted on July 21, 2024

Here at CMS the second three weeks have started off with a bang! The first day of classes was a great success—after parents weekend and changeover, it was a welcome joy to get back into Camp’s daily routine. The first day of classes is always filled with name learning and get to know you games, and it was so exciting and inspiring watching the new three weekers jump into their classes, as well as seeing the six weekers’ efforts to rekindle and create friendships with the arriving

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Closing out the First Three Weeks with Parents Weekend

Posted on July 18, 2024

After a busy last week of the First Three Weeks each camper eagerly awaited seeing their parents on Friday night and Saturday. We had our last day of classes and then the First Three Weekers took to packing up their cabins. On Friday night many parents came for the Parents’ dinner in a tent on the athletics field. All of the parents attending enjoyed the catered meal and getting to know each other.

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Week Three brings the Talent

Posted on July 14, 2024

The last week of camp’s first three weeks session ushered in the color run in athletics classes, so if girls come home from camp with white shirts splattered in color, that’s why! For the color run, girls run one or two laps around camp and get splashed by other campers with colorful paints at certain intervals. It was a hot day, so there might have been some walking instead of jogging, but everybody still had fun. 

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Blasting through Week Two!

Posted on July 9, 2024

As soon as the bell rang on the morning of the Fourth of July, every camper sprang from their bed and quickly changed into their red, white, blue. Campers and counselors arrived at flag raising clad in USA fanny packs, American flags, and many witty t-shirts. After the Pledge of Allegiance, “Fireworks” by Katy Perry filled the air and a dance class flashmob took over. 

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Jumping Into Week Two

Posted on July 2, 2024

The second week got off to a cold start, so we did the only thing appropriate: a nice warm fire for breakfast in the Feedbag. However, after Monday it quickly warmed up into our hottest week yet. Despite this, we remained active and having fun. Monday we had a very exciting Playday with the boys from Camp Maxwelton. A mix of all ages came to play soccer, kickball, deck tennis, and tennis. We had a blast hosting them and we are proud to say that the girls beat the boys in our soccer scrimmage! 

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Dancing through the end of Week One!

Posted on July 1, 2024

The first week of Camp’s 98th season culminated in one of our most cherished traditions: the dance with Camp Maxwelton! Campers and staff took turns singing songs, camp-related or otherwise, on the 40-minute ride to the camp, followed by two rounds of snowballing. For anyone new around here, snowballing is when campers from both camps are randomly paired together to dance in front of everybody else. It was a good night for all, ending in another special tradition from both camps: goodnight songs

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Our 98th Camping Season, Off to a Wonderful Start

Posted on June 28, 2024

The few days if camp have flown by - seriously, where’d the time go? - so we’d like to reflect on some of our favorite moments from these past five and a half days. Opening day was a bittersweet day for some campers and parents, but an exciting one too; campers reunited with friends that they hadn't seen in over ten months! We started the week of evening activities off strong with a hilarious opening campfire featuring the counselors, who all gave performances to teach campers about all of the

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Counselors Arrive to Prepare for Summer 2024!

Posted on June 21, 2024

The first week of Camp, sans campers, is wrapping up! As the counseling staff of 2024 waits patiently for our campers to arrive, however, we have been keeping extremely busy. Orientation week has been chock full of guest speakers and camp alumni sharing their knowledge about how to make camp the safest, kindest, and most supportive environment it can be. From watching TED talks on embracing vulnerability among...

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