Camp Mont Shenandoah


Cowpasture Chronicle

Closing out the First Three Weeks with Parents Weekend

After a busy last week of the First Three Weeks each camper eagerly awaited seeing their parents on Friday night and Saturday. We had our last day of classes and then the First Three Weekers took to packing up their cabins. 

On Friday night many parents came for the Parents’ dinner in a tent on the athletics field. All of the parents attending enjoyed the catered meal and getting to know each other. Meanwhile, each girl in the feedbag was bouncing in anticipation of soon running to hug their parents. We all joined together to watch the Junior Play, Charlie Brown Christmas, that counselor Glenn Carrington spent all three weeks directing and leading during her Junior Drama classes. The play was truly amazing and it was obvious how much effort and time went into learning the lines, blocking out scenes, and the beautiful set. I was so impressed how each girl was able to memorize all her lines despite our busy schedules and everyone had high praises for Glenn for leading the charge on what most people agreed was one of the best Junior Plays to date.

After the play campers and parents walked over to Vesper Hill for our second Honor Meet of the camping season. The campers awarded Honor Camper were, out of the Juniors: Lourdes Ariel and Archer Johnston, and out of the Seniors: Carson Benaicha, Talia Weschler, and Evans Ghuering. The parents were able to witness how each activity head then presents an award to outstanding campers in their classes. As we close each Honor Meet the Buffs and the Greens sing songs to each other and to their own team that they had spent the previous week practicing. As the sun set over Vesper Hill it was a perfect end to the First Three Weeks listening to the sweet melodies of the teams and feeling the excitement of honoring campers for their work.

On Saturday morning parents arrived back to camp to spend the day picnicking on the green, hearing presentations from the leaders of camp and watching the performances of songs and dance from all of the campers and the talent show winners. Riders were able to show off their skills at the barn as First Three Weekers did an obstacle course to show what they’ve learned on horseback. It was great to see everyone enjoying the nice weather and all activities that camp has to offer! It was very sad to see campers leave at the end of the day and we miss everyone who left. It was such a special group and a special few weeks that we had together, it was a fun last day to have everyone together!

However, quickly after the departure, Six Weekers put on their nice outfits and went over to Carrington Deck for the traditional Changeover Night activities. We enjoyed mocktails and music then went over for dinner in the feedbag. We all met in West Lodge to end the night in our pajamas watching Lemonade Mouth for the highly beloved changeover movie night. 

On Sunday morning Briarpatch shared churches on “gratitude” to reflect on their appreciation of camp and everything that they have learned and experienced through it. All the Six Weekers greeted the incoming campers throughout the day as Second Three Weekers moved in. It was exciting to see some new and old faces and everyone was quickly acclimating back to camp. We ended the night with Laundry Bag Skits where each cabin picked a laundry bag that a different cabin prepared and had to create and perform a skit incorporating the surprises inside. It was a great way for cabins to begin bonding with the new groups and fun to watch what everyone came up with. We can not wait for what is to come in the Second Three Weeks!

Highlights of The Week

All the families enjoyed playing around camp like a camper on Saturday afternoon and many went to the tennis courts, played basketball, and swam and canoed in the river. 

Led by Glenn Carrington, the Juniors performed in a wonderful performance of Charlie Brown Christmas to kick of Parent’s weekend. We might be biased but we think it was one of the best Junior Play performances to date. 

Weekly Activities


Junior Play

Honor Meet


Parent's Day!

Changeover Night


Second Three Weeks Begins, Campers Arrive!

Laundry Bag Skits