Camp Mont Shenandoah


Cowpasture Chronicle

Hosting Camp Alkulana Jumpstarts 2nd Three Weeks!

Here at CMS the second three weeks have started off with a bang! The first day of classes was a great success—after parents weekend and changeover, it was a welcome joy to get back into Camp’s daily routine. The first day of classes is always filled with name learning and get to know you games, and it was so exciting and inspiring watching the new three weekers jump into their classes, as well as seeing the six weekers’ efforts to rekindle and create friendships with the arriving campers. On Monday night, the JC’s welcomed our new campers during a initiation presented each girl with a fun forfeit to perform the next day after lunch. Monday night at devotions, each cabin helped their new campers write and perfect their forfeits for the day to come. Coming up with and watching forfeit performances is always such an exciting and hilarious experience for all involved, and is always highly anticipated. 

Tuesday was another fun, full day of classes, as well as the second three weekers’s first day two. All the classes were full of fun, exciting activities for all the girls to enjoy. Most exciting of all, however, was the evening activity—second three weeks Team Night. It was a heart-warming sight watching each new camper get welcomed on to their team, as well as seeing the JC’s lead the teams during their final team night of the summer. The night was full of laughter, cheers, and naturally a few tears. Team night is always an amazing and genuine experience for all of the campers involved, and this year was no exception. No matter a girl’s year or role at camp, witnessing all the girls decked out in bright yellow and vibrant green is a beautiful and heartwarming experience. 

Wednesday was another exciting day of classes. Having experienced both full days of their schedules and having had some time to settle into their cabins, activities, and routines, the new three weekers were finally fully ready to throw themselves into each and every day. Wednesday held another exciting and touching evening activity, Down’s Vespers. Their subject was leadership, and each and every downs camper led us in a beautiful reflection of what leadership means to them and the different ways that they are leaders at camp. Being the oldest of the juniors, it’s important for the downs to be conscious leaders, both through word and example. By writing about leadership, the downs were able to contemplate their roles as the oldest juniors and what that means to them.

In my opinion, the most exciting day of the week was Thursday. For the first time since Covid, CMS welcomed our sister camp, Camp Alkulana, for a fun day of games and bonding activities. Though the day was rainy, the campers from both camps were no less joyous or social. We also welcomed Brother Mike from RythmetriX into our group to lead both our camps in mindful drumming activities. Working together to make music was a n excellent bonding activity for the girls, and everyone had an amazing time. Thanks Brother Mike! Many of our original plans for the day were canceled due to the weather, but the girls were still able to have fun crafting in the Beehive, drumming in West Lodge, and playing card games in the Feedbag. When the rain slowed down, we were able to  lead Alkulana on a tour of camp, and seeing girls from both camps’ efforts to branch out and walk with new friends was so touching.

We ended our time together eating together in West Lodge and singing to each other on the athletics field. Both Alkulana and CMS share many similarities, as they were both founded by the same woman, Nannie West. Our day together truly highlighted each camp’s similarities, as well as the differences that make them so unique and beautiful. We can’t wait to see our sisters next year!

All in all, the first few days of the second three weeks have been a fantastic success, and we can’t wait for more to come.

Highlights of The Week

On Thursday night, our lovely director Ann Warner convinced Brother Mike to stay and perform for our evening activity. It was a wonderful experience for all the girls, and each and every one of them got fully into the evening of mindful but exciting and interactive drumming.

Team night was Tuesday night and both teams were thrilled to add new three weekers and welcome back old faces.

Weekly Activities




Team Night!


Downs Vespers


Hosted Camp Alkulana!

Foot Auction